Saturday, October 25, 2008

Travelling and sparrows

We have just spent a great couple of days in Echuca for Uncle Chris' 60th. The weather was beautiful and lots of relatives made the journey including the entire bunch from Perth. I got to see cousins I have not seen in over 30 years.
I believe everyone had a really good time catching up.
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After taking Monday off to drive back from Echuca, taking in a winery and olive farm on the way, I was catching a plane Wednesday morning to Sydney and staying over night for a work forum. I had to speak on the Thursday and am happy to say that while slightly rushed I did not do too bad. Possibly the first time I had to talk to 150 people from infront of a lecturn!

The sparrows?

Well a family of sparrows has made a nest in my clothes line and I could hear peeping coming from inside there this morning, so we made a trip to get a webcam to film inside my clothes line. We have been able to see mum and dad bird coming and going and 3 large beaks popping up ready to feed. I think its fantastic and the girls have been watching the screen to see the beaks appear. The joys of technology.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

School holidays

Well we just had a quick trip up to Wyong which was great, though I hate driving in the rain and it did rain both up and back. I panic alot and then yell at Warren when I feel he is driving inappropriately which can be often in the rain. Why is it that men feel they are the best drivers in the world - they don't get it - its not how other people drive, its how you drive - if someone cuts in front of you, you slow down!!

Outside is glorious, I love our garden in Spring.

Because of the chickens we get alot of birds in our yard, and I have just found the sparrows nest in my retractable clothes line.
I always see a sparrow out there on the line but it just twigged that they had a nest nearby and you can see it inside the clothes line box on the wall.

I had a field trip with Uni a fortnight ago, which was great - we went to 'Yankee Hat' in Namadgi National Park to see Aboriginal Rock Art, with an archaeologist Mim and a cultural heritage advisor so the two perfect people to see that kind of thing with. It was a 3km hike to the rock art which was just about my limit! I think 6kms in one day is the most exercise I have ever done.

Today was haircut day so the three of us girls all got a new style, well I did anyway, Erin just got a little trim. But its nice to leave the salon looking nice, hair smelling nice. I always try to get a photo done on haircut day because once its washed it never looks the same.

So attached is my haircut photo, taken by Erin with wisteria in the background and a picture of the cat coming down out of the tree head first. I had a feeling that she was a little frightened coming down as it is quite high.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

A new beginning

Alright, its been almost a year exactly since I created this blog for Uni, I am now going to make it my own and start using it!

First whats been happening, I am happily employed by the National Library and find it full of good people and great opportunities - fingers crossed for Milan '09 ;)

Mia is now in Cub Scouts and I am finding it a great institution. Her cub leader is a lady scientist and fantastically motivated. She is also learning the flute and swimming.

This is us ice skating with the cubs.

Erin is now a little person confident in the water at her swimming lessons and doing well.

I have plucked the dog Teasel successfully and she is looking fantastic!!!

We also have a new member of our family - April.

She is is from pet rescue and is a lovely friendly purring pussy cat who will lie on your lap or sleep on your bed.

Doing lots of baking, the chickens have supplied us with masses of eggs, for a recent farewell I make a large Boston Cream Pie, a apple and blackberry kuchen and Cinnamon Scrolls, which were delicious. Next time I bake I will be taking photos! I have been making masses of two fruit muffins for the week, but as I had a load of brown bananas building up I have made banana choc chip for this week and they are good.

I am off to Uni at UC on a Wednesday and have just re-enrolled for the next year at CSU, including a summer subject. It never stops...

Erin was feeling left out with no photo of her so here is one:

'Till next time...
