Tuesday, September 23, 2008

A new beginning

Alright, its been almost a year exactly since I created this blog for Uni, I am now going to make it my own and start using it!

First whats been happening, I am happily employed by the National Library and find it full of good people and great opportunities - fingers crossed for Milan '09 ;)

Mia is now in Cub Scouts and I am finding it a great institution. Her cub leader is a lady scientist and fantastically motivated. She is also learning the flute and swimming.

This is us ice skating with the cubs.

Erin is now a little person confident in the water at her swimming lessons and doing well.

I have plucked the dog Teasel successfully and she is looking fantastic!!!

We also have a new member of our family - April.

She is is from pet rescue and is a lovely friendly purring pussy cat who will lie on your lap or sleep on your bed.

Doing lots of baking, the chickens have supplied us with masses of eggs, for a recent farewell I make a large Boston Cream Pie, a apple and blackberry kuchen and Cinnamon Scrolls, which were delicious. Next time I bake I will be taking photos! I have been making masses of two fruit muffins for the week, but as I had a load of brown bananas building up I have made banana choc chip for this week and they are good.

I am off to Uni at UC on a Wednesday and have just re-enrolled for the next year at CSU, including a summer subject. It never stops...

Erin was feeling left out with no photo of her so here is one:

'Till next time...
