As we all know, Christmas has been and gone and the New Year has started. I went back to work early and tomorrow the children go to music school for two weeks. Hopefully it will be a fantastic fortnight for them, full of singing, dancing, learning to play keyboards and drama.

Christmas was a quite day, with Wal's family coming over. For the first time that I can remember the girls got to open their presents when they woke up (not woken up to go somewhere), and did not have to get dressed until after lunch. We got to stay at home all day!
I was suffering from Wii induced shoulder pain for a few days after Christmas. Everyone is exhausted and could really do with a few more days off, but that is not to be.

I have been attempting to do a summer subject for Uni on top of everything else and it is going a bit by the wayside at the moment. I have an essay due at the end of January and can only hope for a pass.
That being said, its getting late, and I am off to bed.