A few things have happened, such as the purchase of Serenity Park in Jerangle, NSW. This is 950 acres of trees and trails. We have slowly been clearing the tracks, and staying in our caravan.
I have taken a break over winter as it has been very cold, and snows when the snow is down to 1000 meters. Too cold for plastic windows and a thin bit of canvas between you and the elements.
In summer there is a variety of snakes, mostly tiger but I am assuming brown as well. We also saw a funnel web spider while clearing tracks and there is alot of large huntsmen.
When Warren goes up there alone I thought a dog companion would be good for him, so Hemi arrived. He is a pure Australian Koolie and is absolutely gorgeous. He has eaten our entire backyard including terracotta pots and all of my succulents, bikes, outdoor furniture and any ball that happens to land in the yard.
He is a bit bigger now at around 5 months but still very much a puppy.